Prince Brown - Software Engineer

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Self alteration is a touchstone of my self as a full stack web developer.

Programming languages and technology, by nature, improves so frequently that if I was not propelled to find original ideas to the advancement of technologies, I would become obsolete.

I’m here to provide exceptional work for your company through advanced, high-quality web apps.


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Web Technology Stack
  • Next.JS
    React production framework
  • React.JS
    JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Node.JS
    JavaScript runtime built on Chrome' s V8 JavaScript engine
  • Express.JS
    Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.JS
  • Mongoose.JS
    Provides elegant mongodb object modeling for Node.JS
  • Vercel / Heroku / AWS
    Deploying instantly, scaling automatically, and serving personalized content around the globe
  • Git & Github
    A version control tool (software) to track the changes in the source code
  • TypeScript
    JavaScript with syntax for types
  • Javascript
    The world's most popular programming language
  • HTML5 & CSS3
    Basic building blocks for web apps
  • Embedded JavaScript (EJS)
    Templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
    Facilitates responsive, mobile-first sites
  • MongoDB
    Source-available cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database program
  • API' s
    Access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, or microservices
Daily Work Deliverables
  • Custom Software Development
  • Building & Integrating API's
  • Business Logic Software Architecture
  • Data / Web Scrapping
  • Bug Fixing
  • UI & UX Prototype
  • UI & UX Development
  • Code Review
  • Toronto, Ontario
Full Stack Web Developer in Toronto